Dr. Claude Scheuer

President of EUPEA (European Physical Education Association)

The Quality of Physical Education in the view of CEREPS

17 November, 10h05–10h35

CEREPS is a non-governmental, non-profit organization according Luxembourg law (a.s.b.l.). CEREPS offers individual and institutional memberships as a body of co-ordination of research items and cross-national projects in all physical education and physical activity settings of children and adolescents. CEREPS has the aim to become a major address for research development and applications.
There seems to be only a marginal difference in formal terms when CEREPS takes the formulation of “The Quality of Physical Education” instead of “Quality Physical Education.” However, there is a major difference in the concept, because in our view “The Quality of Physical Education” is not restricted to the school subject of physical education. CEREPS follows a socio-ecological concept with three different levels – micro, meso and macro – of quality assessment, where the subject of physical education at school is only one, but the core level.

European projects with the European Physical Education Association

The European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) was founded in 1991 in Brussels and brings together as the umbrella organization of the national Physical Education Associations in Europe members from more than 30 countries in Europe. The mission of EUPEA is focusing on the promotion of and the advocacy for Physical Education in Europe, described in the Declaration of Madrid from 1991, amended in Brussels 2011, with the main slogan “No Education without Physical Education”.
In the past years, EUPEA has participated in many European projects. Starting these activities in the Preparatory Actions for European Partnerships on Sport and continuing them in the frame of the Erasmus+ program, EUPEA was meanwhile able to develop successfully its own project applications together with its national members. In the future, EUPEA will continuously develop its strategy when it comes to a participation in European projects. As EUPEA is an association focusing on physical education as a learning subject in educational systems and as the challenges of EUPEA’s members are mainly situated in the implementation of Quality Physical Education, the Key Action 2 for Strategic Partnership in different fields of Education of the Erasmus+ programme will be the target area for EUPEA in the future.


Dr. Claude Scheuer works as a research scientist at University of Luxembourg for the Institute for Teaching and Learning at the Department of Education and Social Work (DESW) and teaches in the primary school teacher education (BScE: Bachelor of Educational Sciences), this after having worked before as a Physical Education teacher in primary and secondary school for 13 years. Starting in the winter semester 2019/20, he is the study director of the new certificate Physical Activity and Physical Education in formal and non-formal educational settings. His research is focused on basic motor competencies of children and adolescents and on active schools. In 2017, he finished his PhD in educational sciences on the topic of Basic Motor Competencies. He is member of the board of the Luxembourgish teacher association (APEP; Association des Professeurs d’Éducation Physique) and since 2011 the president of EUPEA (European Physical Education Association), which is the umbrella organization for more than 30 European Physical Education teacher associations. In addition to this, he is the Vice-Delegate for Luxembourg for FIEP-Europe (Fédération Internationale de l’Éducation Physique) and since 2013 Executive Board Member in ICSSPE (International Council of School Sports and Physical Education). Since 2015, he is also the president of CEREPS (Conseil Européen de Recherche en Éducation Physique et Sportive), a European council for research in Physical Education based in Luxembourg that he founded together with Prof. Dr. Roland Naul.