Dr. László Molnár

Strategic Director, HSFF

Towards QPE in Hungary 2016-2020 – the strategy and its outcomes

17 November, 14h30–15h00

The Hungarian School Sport Federation (HSSF) has developed and implemented several programmes in the field of physical education and school sport which are connected to the „Physical Education in Health development Strategical Actions” (T.E.S.I. 2020) government resolution. The aims of our presentation are (1) to introduce the structure and the collection of actions and interventions for quality physical education; (2) to present the implementation of the strategy and draw conclusions from HSSF’s point of view; (3) to preview project activities, which have direct connection with the strategy. We will highlight our educational framework of QPE, publications, books and teaching materials, which are available in our webshop, and searchable in the TESIM.hu online methodological center for teachers. Further information will be available from our in-service trainings, the adaptation of the Hungarian National Students Fitness Test for children with special educational needs. Finally, we will present some insights from our regional workshops for the educational advisors.


Head of the strategic planning department at the State Secretariat for Sport of the Ministry of Human Capacites from 2010 and later head of cabinet of the State Secretary for Sport until 2012. Since 2012 he is the strategic director of HSSF. In this capacity he contributed to the development of T.E.S.I. 2020 National PE Strategy. In Hungary, he represents HSSF at the Council of the National Programme for Children and Youth since 2015. He is member of the board of National School, University and Leisure Sport Federation as well since 2017. In the recent years he contributed to every legislative preparation related to NETFIT®, the national fitness assessment system in school settings and also to conceptual and financial recommendations in the field of PE and school sport activities. Permanent lecturer on HIPE conferences.