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With the support of the European Union, in the frame of ISCA’s (International Sport and Culture Association) pan-European campaign NowWeMOVE, No Elevators Day was organized in many European countries on the 5th June 2015.

The programme had two main objectives:

  • Focus the public’s attention on the importance of physical activity for health and wellbeing, and
  • Demonstrate how easy it is for citizens to be active despite their busy everyday lives.

ISCA and its local partners – in Hungary the Hungarian School Sport Federation cooperating with National Institute for Health Development – invited citizens and various organisations, institutions and companies to seal off some of the elevators and escalators in their premises and to encourage their employees or colleagues to take the stairs.

The event was voluntary and some elevators and escalators were still open for people with disabilities and medical conditions, and to those who simply did not want to take part in the event.

The No Elevators Day was also held in the Hungarian House of Sports, where almost 50 national sport federations are working, and in the Ministry of Human Resources. István Simicskó, state secretary for sport exemplary took the stairs on this day – as always.

Hungarian School Sport Federation and the National Institute for Health Development, coordinators of the Hungarian events, are committed to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle.

The No Elevators Day is part of the NowWeMOVE campaign, supporting the European Week of Sport – #BeActive.



phone: +(36-30) 259-4089 e-mail: 1063 Budapest, Munkácsy Mihály u. 17.