Good practices for increase students’ physical activity – Budapest and Ráckeve, Hungary

From 10 to 14 September 2022, Hungary hosted the next study visit of the GEM project, which also focused on sharing good practices through a conference and interactive workshop.

Day 0 of the event started with participants’ own experiential activities where 5 GEM partners took part in the Budapest half marathon and 10 km run on 11 September.

On 12 September, the partners shared their experiences with each other and the audience at the international conference and workshop „Good Practices for Increasing Students’ Physical Activity”. The programme included not only theoretical presentations but also practical sessions. The afternoon sports festival demonstration was hosted by the St Imre Catholic Primary School in Ráckeve.

On 13 September, the sharing of good practice continued, with further sporting demonstrations (shuttlecock, dragon boat) giving participants the chance to experience first-hand.


phone: +(36-30) 259-4089 e-mail: 1063 Budapest, Munkácsy Mihály u. 17.