T.E.S.I.-2.0 Interventions for the implementation of quality (inclusive) physical education and PE teacher training programmes (HRDOP-3.2.8)

HSSF prepared the T.E.S.I. 2020 National Strategy which was accepted and introduced by the Hungarian Government in 2016. The strategy collects and defines all the interventions and actions which are inevitable to set the ground for quality Physical Education in Hungary. The implementation of certain parts of this complex developmental package were entrusted to HSSF, hence our activity was focusing on the execution of such methodological developments that emphasize physical literacy and health-conscious life management within school PE. Therefore, in the framework of the 3.2.8. HRDOP (Human Resource Development Operational Programme) priority project, HSSF was responsible for delivering a complex recommendation document for the Physical and Emotional Health and Physical Education content, and its respected frame curriculum content in the new National Core Curriculum.  NETFIT®, the nationally standardized physical fitness assessment, has reached a milestone over the lifetime of the project, as fitness tests developed for students with special educational needs were introduced from the measurement period of January 2019, ensuring inclusive approach.

In addition, HSSF had been working for years on the development of an online platform for physical education teachers to support digital learning, attitude formation, knowledge sharing, and everyday pedagogical work, which could later be used as a platform for physical education teacher education through a purely e-learning method.  (www.tesim.hu). As part of the project HSSF delivered several teacher trainings involved more than 2000 teachers in a contact or blended learning system.


phone: +(36-30) 259-4089 e-mail: international@mdsz.hu 1063 Budapest, Munkácsy Mihály u. 17.