About the conference

Topics of the conference

Welcome to the Hungarian School Sport Federation’s
(HSSF) third international HIPE Conference.
Similarly to our conferences this year we
put the highlight on the current international and
national development and tendencies of quality
physical education and health-enhancing physical
activities. More specifically, in 2018 we focus
on physical literacy, the significance of which is
increasing each year in the contents of both domestic
and – especially – European and international
recommendations, regulation papers and
professional documents. Developing physical literacy
is the single most important goal of school
physical education, but its health enhancing utilization
and improvement is an important task in
adulthood as well. The importance of this is recognised
by more and more people who therefore
do regular physical activity to maintain a healthy
life and for the fun of it.
Important relevance is given to the conference
by HSSF’s efforts from past years, succeeding
on European level as well, and the fact that after
the European Commission recognised the SHA
P.E. project as a ‘success story’, the contents
related to health-conscious and future-oriented
life management developed therein were included
as development goals in the newly revised
European reference framework on key competences
necessary for lifelong learning. We are
confident that the importance of health-conscious
life management and the physical literacy
essential to it will soon take deep roots in
the practices of public education, and that it will
receive greater emphasis during school physical
education classes, after-school sport and leisure
time activities. It is our hope that our conference
once again offers useful ideas and inspires academics
and practitioners working in the fields of
health-enhancing physical activities.